How to Find a CA Firm for an Articleship

Articleship is the essence of CA course and every ca student's dream is to pursue articleship from top CA firm. 

It is the articleship which transforms a ca student into a Chartered Accountant. But a question comes how to find CA firms.

Step 1- Prepare a resume, list some companies in an excel file. Public Sector Banks   Private sector banks Listed Companies

Step 2- Download the latest annual reports of all the companies

Step 3- Note down the name of the statutory auditors from the annual report and make a list in the excel file

Step 4- Google the ca firms and tries to find whether their head office or branch offices are located in city. 

Step 5- Shortlist the CA firms based on your preferences

Step 6- Physically hand over your resumes on the address of ca firms.

Step 7- If physically submission is not possible then post your resume on their career webpage.

Although this is tedious work but you can take help from friends to make list.