7 Most Expensive Educational Courses in India

1. MBA (Business Administration) Top institutions like ISB and IIMs demand hefty fees, ranging from Rs 20–40 lakhs annually for MBAs.

2. Medicine (MBBS/MD) Private medical colleges charge Rs 50 lakhs to over Rs 1 crore for the entire program. Costs vary by college and specialization.

3. Engineering (B.Tech/M.Tech) Private engineering colleges charge beyond Rs 15 lakh per year for certain programs, a premium investment.

4. Law (LLB/LLM) Top law schools, like O.P. Jindal Global University, may have annual fees exceeding Rs 20-30 lakh.

5. Aviation Pilot training costs range from Rs 10 to 30 lakhs, varying based on licenses and training options chosen.

6. Data Science and Analytics Private universities and institutes charge Rs 10–15 lakh per year for data science and analytics programs.

7. Arts and Humanities Art, music, or performing arts? Specialized programs from private institutes may come with higher fees.