Q1. An auditor should disclose the substantive reasons for expressing an adverse opinion in an explanatory paragraph.
(a) Preceding the scope paragraph.
(b) Preceding the opinion paragraph.
(c) Following the opinion paragraph.
(d) Within the notes to the financial statements.
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Q3. Positive confirmation request required the third party to reply to the auditor-
(a) In the case of agreement with given information
(b) In the case of disagreement with given information
(c) In the case of agreement / disagreement with the given information
(d) None of these
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Q4. Under Section 141(3), a person who or his relative or his partner is holding any security in_______is not qualified to be appointed as auditor of the company-
(a) The company
(b) Its associate company
(c) Its holding company
(d) All of these
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Q5. Which of the following is an example of inflating cash payments?
(a) Making payments against purchase vouchers
(b) Teeming and lading
(c) Not accounting for cash sales fully
(d) Making payments against inflated vouchers
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