Next 5 Months Study Plan CA Exams May 2024 | MASTER PLAN to Pass CA 2024 Exams

Red Section Separator
Red Section Separator

Create a detailed timetable, give specific hours to each subject, and ensure balanced coverage.

Red Section Separator
Red Section Separator

Choose topics based on exam weightage and your capacities, focusing on weaker areas first.

Red Section Separator
Red Section Separator

Allocate dedicated time for revision, solving past papers, and mock tests to monitor your preparation.

Red Section Separator
Red Section Separator

Stay consistent with your study routine and avoid last-minute cramming.

Red Section Separator
Red Section Separator

Take short breaks during study sessions to maintain focus and reduce stress.

Red Section Separator
Red Section Separator

Stay updated on any changes in the syllabus or exam pattern, and adjust your plan accordingly.

Red Section Separator
Red Section Separator

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