Practice Test questions for CA Foundation Mathematics

1. If A: B = 2:5, then (10A + 3B): (5A + 2B) is equal to 

(a) 7:4 (b) 7:3 (c) 6:5 (d) 7:9 

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2. The ratio compounded of 4:5 and sub-duplicate of a:9 is 8:15. Then value of “a” is 

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

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3. Roots of the equation 2x2+3x+7 = 0 are α and β then the value of α β-1+ β α-1 is 

(a) 2 (b) 3/7 (c) 7/2 (d) -19/14

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4. In what time will be a sum of money doubles itself at 6.25% p.a simple interest? 

(a) 5 years (b) 8 years (c) 12 years (d) 16 years

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5. The time in by which a sum of money is 8 times of itself if it doubles itself in 15 years interest compounded annually. 

(a) 42 years (b) 43 years (c) 45 years (d) 46 years

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6. Present value of a scooter is `7290, if its value decreases every year by 10% then the value before 3 years is equal to 

(a) 10,000 (b) 10,500 (c) 20,000 (d) 20,500

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7. The difference between in simple interest on a sum invested of `1500 for 3 years is `18. The difference in their rate is 

(a) 0.4 (b) 0.6 (c) 0.8 (d) 0.10

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8. If `10,000 is invested at 8 % per annum, then compounded quarterly.Then value of investment after 2 years is 

(a) `11,716.59 (b) `10,716.59 (c) `12,715.59 (d) none of these

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