CA Or CS Which Is Better After 12th?

The choice between becoming a chartered accountant (CA) or company secretary (CS) depends on your interests, career goals, and strengths.

A chartered accountant (CA) is a highly respected financial specialist specializing in accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial management.

Chartered Accountant

A person with knowledge in corporate governance and secretarial procedures within an organization is known as a company secretary (CS).

Company Secretary

A job as a company secretary (CS) or Charted accountant (CA) mainly depends on your interests, goals and strengths.

How We Choose Between CA & CS?

Both Chartered Accountants (CA) and Company Secretaries (CS) have promising career prospects with a wide range of opportunities.

Future Scope Of CA And CS

In India, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) manages the organized process that must be followed to become a Chartered Accountant (CA).

How To Become A CA?

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has set down the procedures to be followed to become a company secretary (CS) in India.

How To Become A CS?

Both professions have promising career prospects and can provide rewarding opportunities in the fields of finance and business.
