CPA and CA Career Comparing, opportunities: Making the Right Choice

CA You must have a bachelor’s degree in accounting or a related field with 1 year of post-graduation experience.


Eligibility Criteria

CPA Offers a general management education with a broader scope covering various business disciplines like finance, marketing, and operations.

CA Auditing and Assurance Taxation Financial Management


Career Opportunities

CPA Public Accounting Corporate Finance Specialized Areas

CA The CA qualification requires candidates to complete multiple levels of examinations and On average, it may take 4 to 5 years to become a CA in India.


Course Duration

CPA On average, candidates take around 18 months to 2 years to complete all four sections of the CPA exam.

CA Complete the CA Program Practical Training Register with the CA Institute


License Eligibility

CPA Pass the CPA Exam Experience Requirements State Requirements

CA Fresh CA can expect to earn between INR 5 to 10 lakhs per year. Their stipends may increase as they gain experience and expertise.



CPA Pass the CPA Exam Experience Requirements State Requirements