Fundamentals of Accounting in CA Foundation

Concepts and Principles: Gaining an understanding of basic accounting concepts such as materiality, accrual, and consistency.

Double Entry System: Understanding how balance is maintained by the recording of transactions using credits and debits.

Understanding the connection between assets, liabilities, and owner's equity is known as the accounting equation.

Financial Statement Preparation: Acquiring the knowledge necessary to create cash flow, balance sheet, and income statement templates.

Trial Balance: Recognizing the trial balance as a means of verifying the authenticity of financial documentation.

Accounting Standards: Getting acquainted with the guidelines that regulatory bodies have set forth for consistent financial reporting.

Financial Ratio Analysis: Applying ratios such as profitability, solvency, and liquidity to analyze financial data.

Depreciation and Inventory Valuation: Knowing How to Value Inventory and Depreciate Assets.

Bank reconciliation is the process of comparing the cash book and bank statement to find inconsistencies.

Error detection and correction in accounting records to guarantee correctness is known as error correction.