How to get a Rank in CA Inter?

Preparing for CA Inter exam is not difficult. Let's understand some secrets and tips that will help you.

It is important that you go through every subject of Group I and Group II and then revise it as many times as possible.

Prepare All the Subjects-

The next most important tip is to take notes. The best way to remember lectures is by memorizing them.

Prepare your own notes-

MCQs are the best way to score highest marks and they are the gateway to get rank in CA Inter.

Learn and Practice MCQs-

There are many question papers from the previous years that you can use to practice. Also, we also provide mock test series.

Take Timed Mock Tests-

Putting in enough time and effort into the process is critical. You have to put in 12-13 hours of studying during the preparation months. 

Have a Time Table-