Score higher in CA Foundation 2024: 7 Mistakes to Avoid

To avoid this mistake, students should create a study plan that allocates enough time for each subject, revision, and practice. 

Inadequate Time Management

To avoid this mistake, students should focus on building a strong foundation of the fundamental concepts.

Incomplete Understanding of Concepts

Regular revision is essential and Students often make the mistake of not revising regularly, leading to forgetting critical concepts.

Lack of Regular Revision

Many CA aspirants tend to neglect practical questions, which can cost them dearly in the exam. 

Neglecting Practical Questions

Many students make the mistake of thinking that coaching classes will cover everything and that they do not need to study at home. 

Over-Reliance on Coaching Classes

Many CA aspirants make the mistake of not practicing enough mock tests, which can lead to anxiety and confusion during the exam. 

Lack of Mock Tests Practice

Revise all the topics for all subjects, and revise regularly. Revisions are as important as learning new topics.

Skipping Revisions