Tips to score good marks in Law CA inter

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To maintain a comprehensive understanding, review a topic within 24 hours of the initial study to prevent forgetting key sections and subsections

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It's advised to revise every topic at least three times, offering time efficiency in subsequent reviews

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Create an audio-visual effect: To create an audio-visual effect, read loud and write down, as it enhances retention

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Use highlighters to highlight keywords, ensuring attention and retention for longer periods of time. periods

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Practice by writing down questions and their answers, and participate in multiple mock tests, including online ones, to enhance your performance

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Practice MCQs significantly enhance conceptual clarity, especially in the new paper pattern, aiding in achieving good marks and providing detail-oriented assistance

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Importance of RTPs: The ICAI's RTPs contain recent amendments and crucial questions, requiring thorough reading and practice to ensure good law scores.

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