7 In-Demand soft skills to learn in 2024 for CA Students

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1. Communication: Effective communication is essential to building strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.

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2. Leadership: A good leader can inspire their team to achieve greatness. They can set a clear vision, and communicate it effectively.

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3. Creativity: Creativity involves the ability to think outside the box and come up with ideas that challenge assumptions.

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4. Time management: Time management involves the ability to set priorities, organize tasks, and allot time across different activities.

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5. Adaptability: Changing business landscape, adaptability is a key soft skill that enables individuals to stay ahead of the curve.

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6. Problem-solving: This skill is crucial to identifying and addressing complex challenges and opportunities in a variety of contexts.

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7. Critical thinking: Critical thinking enables individuals to approach problems and challenges with a strategic and analytical mindset.

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