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ICAI CA Final Result Toppers and Passing Percentage


The results of the Chartered Accountants Final (New Scheme)
Examination was declared recently. ICAI declares the topper’s names in the CA final result 2024. 

CA Final May 2024 All India Rank Holders:

  Name City Marks Percentage Scored
 AIR I Shivam Mishra New Delhi 500 83.33%
AIR II Varsha Arora Delhi 480 80.00%
AIR III Kiran Ranjendra Singh
Mumbai 477 79.50%
AIR III Ghilman Saalim
Navi Mumbai 477 79.50%

The details of percentage of candidates passed in the above said examinations are given below:

  Candidates applied for No. of candidates appeared No. of candidates passed % of pass
I Group-I 74887 20479 27.35
II Group-II 58891 21408 36.35
III Both Groups 35819 7122 19.88

CA Final Nov 2022 Toppers List (New Syllabus):

  Name City Marks Percentage Scored
 AIR I Harsh Choudhary New Delhi 618/800 77.25%
AIR II Shikha Jain Indore 617/800 77.13%
AIR II Ramyashree Mangaluru 617/800 77.13%
AIR III Mansi Agarwal New Delhi 613/800 76.63%

The details of percentage of candidates passed in the above said examinations are given below:

  Candidates applied for No. of candidates appeared No. of candidates passed % of pass
I Group-I 65291 13969 21.39
II Group-II 64775 12053 18.61
III Both Groups 29242 3243 11.09


The results of the Chartered Accountants Final (New Scheme) Examination was declared recently. 

CA Final July 2021 Toppers List (New Syllabus):

  Candidates applied for No. of candidates appeared No. of candidates passed % of pass
 I Group-I 49358 9986 20.23
II Group-II 42203 7328 17.36
III Both Groups 23981 2870 11.97


The results of the Chartered Accountants Final (Old Scheme) Examination was declared recently. 

CA Final July 2021 Toppers List (Old Syllabus):

  Candidates applied for No. of candidates appeared No. of candidates passed % of pass
 I Group-I 12556 1348 10.74
II Group-II 17044 2194 12.87
III Both Groups 3949 62 1.57%


The results of the Chartered Accountants Final (New Scheme) Examination was declared recently. 

CA Final December 2021 Toppers List (New Syllabus):

  Candidates applied for No. of candidates appeared No. of candidates passed % of pass
 I Group-I 57254 12767 22.3
II Group-II 54144 16525 30.52
III Both Groups 28988 4437 15.31


The results of the Chartered Accountants Final (Old Scheme) Examination was declared recently. 

CA Final December 2021 Toppers List (Old Syllabus):

  Candidates applied for No. of candidates appeared No. of candidates passed % of pass
 I Group-I 11364 1284 11.3
II Group-II 14106 1909 13.53
III Both Groups 3109 44 1.42


The results of the Chartered Accountants Final (New Scheme) Examination was declared recently. 

CA Final November 2020 Toppers List (New Syllabus):

  Candidates applied for No. of candidates appeared No. of candidates passed % of pass
 I Group-I 32542 4179 12.84
II Group-II 27907 8643 30.97
III Both Groups 19284 2790 14.47


The results of the Chartered Accountants Final (Old Scheme) Examination was declared recently. 

CA Final November 2020 Toppers List (Old Syllabus):

  Candidates applied for No. of candidates appeared No. of candidates passed % of pass
 I Group-I 12026 2145 17.84
II Group-II 17132 5442 31.77
III Both Groups 4143 242 5.84


The results of the Chartered Accountants Final (New Scheme) Examination was declared recently. ICAI declares the topper’s names in the CA final result 2019. 

CA Final Nov 2019 Toppers List (New Syllabus):

  Name City Marks Percentage Scored
 AIR I Abhay Bajoria Kolkata 603/800 75.38%
AIR II Dhruv Kothari Kolkata 577/800 72.13%
AIR III Darshan Mukesh
Ahmedabad 575/800 71.88%

The details of percentage of candidates passed in the above said examinations are given below:

  Candidates applied for No. of candidates appeared No. of candidates passed % of pass
I Group-I 27861 4830 17.34
II Group-II 26972 7593 28.15
III Both Groups 15003 2268 15.12

Consequent to the declaration of result as mentioned above, 5125 candidates qualified as Chartered Accounts.


The results of the Chartered Accountants Final (Old Scheme) Examination was declared recently. ICAI declares the topper’s names in the CA final result (OldScheme). 

CA Final Nov 2019 Toppers List (Old Syllabus):

  Name City Marks Percentage Scored
 AIR I Gurram Naga Sri
Vijaywada 577/800 72.13%
AIR II Varada K P Mannarkkad 548/800 68.50%
AIR III Dhawal
Mumbai 531/800 66.38%

The details of percentage of candidates passed in the above-said examinations are given below:

  Candidates applied for No. of candidates appeared No. of candidates passed % of pass
I Group-I 27409 7384 26.94
II Group-II 37589 8679 23.09
III Both Groups 8021 817 10.19

Consequent to the declaration of results as mentioned above, 9446 candidates qualified as Chartered Accounts.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) will release the CA Final May 2023 result at, https://icai.nic.in/caresult/final/. Candidates enter their roll number or registration number to get the result.

After the release of the result, ICAI shall release a merit list with the details of the top 50 candidates. Candidates can also get their results on their registered email id or contact number.

Candidates can check their result for CA Final May 2023 exam from either of the Particular Link:


For students, there are 3 ways where a student can check the CA Final result. These are:

  1. By Email
  2. By SMS
  3. By Online Mode

1. How to Check the CA Final May 2023 Result by Email ID?

ICAI releases notice for registration to get the CA Final
result at their registered email id. Candidates can check the step-by-step instructions to get the result by email from below:

Step 1: Click on the direct link which is going to be provided on this page to register to get the result at email id. https://icaiexam.icai.org

Step 2: Next, the candidates have to enter their login id and password.

Step 3: Click on the “Login” button to submit the details and in then on the next screen, your dashboard will appear.

Step 4: On your Dashboard, a link for ‘Email Registration’ will be available.

Step 5: Click on the link and on the next screen, you will have to enter your Name, Roll Number, E-mail id.

Step 6: Now, click on the ‘Register Me’ button to submit and successfully register for receiving CA Final Result 2023 on the registered email id.

2.  How to Get the CA Final May 2023 Result by SMS?

The next way to get the CA Final result is by SMS. Through SMS, candidates will get their results with marks of CA Final exam. To get the CA Final Result by SMS, the candidates shall have to enter the following:

CAFND (Space)XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is the six-digit Final Examination roll number of the candidate), e.g. CAFND 000171 – and send the message to 58888 – for all mobile

3. How to Check CA Final May 2023 Result Online?

ICAI also releases the CA Final Result online at its official website. To check the result online, candidates need to follow the instructions as provided below:

Step 2: On the login page, you will have to enter your Roll Number and Registration Number / Pin number.

Step 3: After entering the details, click on the “Check Result” button to submit the details.

Step 4: On submitting the details, the result for CA Final May 2023 exam will appear on the screen.

How to Check CA Final Result if student Forgot Login Details?

To check the CA Final result online, candidates require their roll number and PIN or registration number. in case, the candidates do not remember any of these details, they can check it by either of these ways:

Option 1: Through Admit Card

The registration number and roll number is available on the CA Final admit card. Hence, candidates can refer to print out of the admit card to get these login details.

Option 2: Contact the concerned authorities

in case if you do not have the hard copy of the admit card, then it is best that you should contact ICAI at their helpline number for Final course regarding this. On contacting the officials, you need to provide your details like your name, father’s name, mother’s name, etc. After which you are provided with the necessary details.

Option 3: Use E-Sahayta

  • Another option to get the CA Final login details is
    through E-Sahayta. All you have to do is, visit the official website of ICAI at https://icaiexam.icai.org and then click on the https://help.icai.org
    If you are not registered then click on the Register button or else sign-in by entering your email id and password. After signing in, you can enter your query and get a solution for it.

The Details which are Given in the CA Final Result

The candidates must verify that the personal details printed
on the online mark sheet are correct or not. Details Are:

  1. Name of the candidate
  2. Paper number
  3. Name of the subject
  4. Maximum marks
  5. Minimum marks
  6. Marks obtained
  7. Result Status

CA Final New May 2019


No.of appeared


Pass %

1st Group




2nd Group




Appeared for Both group

Passed Gr.1

Passed Gr.2

Passed in Both


1669 (15.05%)

432 (3.89%)

2313 (20.85%)

Total appeared in Ca Final






CA Final Old May 2019


No.of appeared



1st Group




2nd Group




Appeared for Both group

Passed Gr.1

Passed Gr.2

Passed in Both


2127 (13.67%)

602 (3.87%)

1187 (7.63%)

Total appeared in Ca Final







  1. https://icai.nic.in/caresult/
  2. https://icaiexam.icai.org/

Get CA Final Result November 2018 From Here!!!

Congrats, ICAI declared  CA Final result on 23rd  January 2019.

Process to See ICAI CA Final Result 2023:

Students can get CA final result by name and can also get CA final result center wise.

Follow this process to see CA Final result online

  • Enter your ‘Roll Number’ and ‘Pin’ or ‘Registration Number’.

  • Then enter the Captcha Code as it appears in the image and clicks on ‘Check Result’.

  • The result of CA Final May 2023 will be displayed on the screen mentioning the marks scored by the candidate in each paper of CA Finals

  • Candidates can print the result by clicking on ‘Print’ button.

For the old Final May 2023 result, the process remains the same

Things To Take Care While Checking

 *You need to be very
attentive while choosing the link*Don’t confuse between New Final and old Final course*
Choose the appropriate link on ICAI website direct entry or Intermediate route.

Get ICAI Final Result Through SMS

Candidates can also get their new CA Final May 2023 result through SMS on their
mobile number as mentioned below

  • Compose New Message and Type
  • CAFINALNEW(space)Roll Number’
  • Candidates need to send this to 58888.

Candidates can also get their CA Intermediate (IPC) Examination (Old Course) May 2023 result through SMS on their mobile number as mentioned below 

Compose New Message and Type ‘CAFINALOLD(space)Roll Number’.Candidates need to send
this to 58888. 
In this manner, candidates who registered for SMS service will be able to, view their result of CA Finals May 2023 on their mobiles

Get ICAI CA Final Result Through Email

A student can get the result through email by registering their email address with icaiexam.icai.org

Step by step process to register an email address to
view C.A. Final November 2018 result

  • Click on the link of ‘CA Final Result 2023 on Email Id’ as provided above 
  • Go to the Login/Register tab and enter CA Final
  • registered user id and password to login in ICAI registered account.
  • Candidates  need to enter their Name, Roll Number, E-mail id,
  • captcha code/security text.

    Now, click on the ‘Register Me’ to submit and successfully register for receiving CA Final
    2023 result on their registered email id.

CA Final Pass Percentage

CA Final result percentage for Nov 2018 (in the old course)

Particulars No.of candidate appeared Passed candidate Pass percentage
Group 1 32633 9934 30.44%
Group 2 35655 8348 23.41%
Both Groups 22514    
Passed Group 1   5428 24.11%
Passed Group 2   655 2.91%
Passed both Group   3383 15.03%

Result analysis

  • In the last attempt, the almost similar number of students appeared for both group the first group (22514+32633)=55147

Second group(22514+35655)= 58169

whereas only  22514 candidates appeared for both groups.

  • The pass percentage was least in the second group, when appeared, with another group too.

  • The pass percentage for the first group is highest if appeared individually.

CA Final Result Percentage for May 2018 (in Old Course)

The final pass percentage for exams held in May 2018 was released by ICAI on 20th July 2018.

The following table will fetch you details as no.of candidate appeared, No.of candidate cleared, and

Particulars No.of candidate appeared Passed candidate Pass percentage
Group 1 38,696 6195 16.01%
Group 2 37,350 5075 13.59%
Both Groups 27727    
Passed Group 1   3658 13.19%
Passed Group 2   693 2.50%
Passed both Group   2520 9.09%

Result analysis

  • In the last attempt, the almost similar number of students appeared for both group

the first group (38696+27727)=66432

Second group(37350+27727)= 65077

whereas only  27,727 candidates appeared for both groups.

  • CA Final pass percentage was least in the second group, when appeared, with another group too.

  • The pass percentage for the first group is highest if appeared individually.

CA Final Pass Percentage of Nov 2018 (in New Course)

Particulars No.of candidate appeared Passed candidate Pass percentage
Group 1 6181 884 14.30%
Group 2 3307 894 27.03%
Both Groups 4075    
Passed Group 1   542 13.30%
Passed Group 2   293 7.19%
Passed both Group   670 16.44%

Result analysis

  • The student appeared for the first group were more than student appeared in the second group.

First group 6181+4075= 10256 Second group 3307+4075= 7382

  • The pass percentage is maximum for students appearing in the 2nd group individually.

  • We assume the introduction of Paper 6 might still be confusing to student analogy.

Topper list of CA Final Nov 2019

AIR Old Course New Course
1st Shadav Hussain Siddharth Kothari
2nd Shahid Husen Shokat Memon Rohit Soni
3rd Rishab Sharma Pulkit Arora

CA Final Pass Percentage of May 2018 (in New course)

Particulars No.of candidate appeared Passed candidate Pass percentage
Group 1 2289 260 11.36%
Group 2 1208 96 7.95%
Both Groups 936    
Passed Group 1   160 17.09%
Passed Group 2   14 1.50%
Passed both Group   92 9.83%

Result analysis

  • The student appeared for the first group were more than student appeared in the second group.

First group 2289+936=3225 
Second group 1208+936= 2144

  • We assume The introduction of Paper 6 might still be confusing to student analogy.

CA Final May 2018 AIR from MCC

We congrats our proud achievers and are epitome for our hard work and sincere dedication.

Hope you understand that how can you get ICAI CA final result Nov 2018 by name or by the center and we have also told you CA final pass percentage.

Statements of Marks

CA final result is declared and the student receives Statement of marks on the screen. The statement includes marks obtain in given exams. It also includes grades obtained in Articleship assessment test, if any.

Distinction: Any student getting marks more than 70 % in any subject is said to have a distinction. The same is also mentioned in the mark sheet if any.

ICAI send theStatement of Marks of CA Intermediate 2022 to candidates by post after the declaration of CA
Intermediate 2022 result. In case any candidate doesn’t receive the statement of marks within
4-5 weeks of the declaration of CA Intermediate 2022 result, they should write an email to ICAI

Verification of Answer books

After the declaration of result, the candidate may apply for verification of his / her answer books, within one month from the date of declaration of result.

The verification fee is Rs. 20/- per paper subject to the maximum of Rs. 50/- for all the papers

Payment is made only through demand draft in favor of the Secretary, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi 110002.
The request application is sent along with details like

  • Name of the examination:

  • Name of the candidate

  • Roll No

  • Registration No

  • Month and year of appearance

  • Papers in which verification required

  • Paper No/s and name of the papers

  • Complete postal address

There is no prescribed format but the application should be handwritten by the student itself. Only one application is required to be submitted irrespective of the number of answer books for which verification sought. Do not send a separate application for each

CA Final Cut Off Criteria

To clear CA final exams  

  1. Students should get either more than 40% marks in each subject of one group or both groups.
  2. Or get more than 50% aggregate marks from all the subjects in one group or both the groups.

The student has the option to appear in one group or both group, the result will be declared for the individual group or both group, whatever the choice  was made by the student.

Students can also check the following links:

CA Foundation result

CA Intermediate result

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