Mock Up Your CA Entrance Exams: The Importance Of Mock Tests
“There is no shortcut to success; there is no substitute to hard work”.
To achieve something as elusive as a Chartered Accountant (CA) degree, you ought to put in your best efforts. And, mock tests form an integral part of this endeavor. Such tests help you prepare for the big day. Let’s look at a few reasons why appearing for mock tests is of utmost importance:
You can conquer exam fears
With mock test paper being designed exactly like the actual CA exam papers, you get a clear understanding of the structure and pattern of the questionnaire, the division of marks, the format of the paper, etc. When you appear for the actual exam, you will be much more confident and you will be able to nip the exam fears in the bud.
You can assess and increase your speed
Your degree depends on what you write during those couple of hours in the examination hall. As such, it is extremely important for you to attempt all the questions in the allotted time. Frequent mock tests will help you assess your speed. You will, thus, get a chance to improve your timings. With reduced exam fears and better time management, you approach your exams positively.
You can do your SWOT analysis
With prior tests, you can understand your strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities, and work on them. For example, if you know a topic really well, you can quickly attempt that first during your main exam. If you find out that you are not good at a few topics, you can always focus more on them and prepare better. Mock tests also help you understand your weakness such as speed, comprehension of the question, etc. and give you the opportunity to rectify your mistakes.
You can complete your syllabus before time
No amount of time seems sufficient to study the vast CA syllabus entirely. You will always have a chapter or two that you keep for the end but never get a chance to study them. But if you sign up for a mock test, you make sure you complete your syllabus before that. This is one significant advantage of appearing for mock tests before the actual exam.
You can get an idea about the possible questions
While you may know a theory chapter thoroughly, you may not be prepared for its numerical questions. Also, it may happen that you get a question that combines topics from two different chapters. Mock tests factor in these permutations and combinations. Moreover, if you are fortunate enough, you might get the same questions in the main exam.
To sum it up
With an array of benefits, mock tests help CA aspirants become more confident. This, in turn, brightens the chances of them clearing CA exams that are deemed to be one of the toughest exams in the world. Practice makes a man perfect and mock tests are exactly that!