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CA Course Fees for Foundation, Intermediate & Final 2024

CA Course Fees for Foundation, Intermediate & Final

If you are looking for details about complete CA course fees 2024 then you are on the right article. Here we will let you all the updated information about total fees for ca course. Read the article to know more about CA registration fees, journal membership fees, examination fees, training fees.

The duration of CA course, starting from registering for the foundation course and becoming a CA is for a minimum of 4.5 to 5 years. In these years, you have to clear 3 levels of Chartered accountancy course which are CA Foundation, Intermediate, and Final. You have to undergo practical training or CA articleship for 2 years, which is mandatory according to ICAI guidelines. It won’t be wrong if we say this course emphasis “learning through experience”.

CA course is one of the reasonable professional course as compared to the cost of other courses in India. The CA course fees structure including ICAI fees, books, study material, coaching and tuition expenses cumulatively don’t exceed more than 4 lakh in India.

CA Foundation Course Fees 2024:

CA Foundation course is the first most level to be cleared in pursuing the CA course. The CA Foundation registration can be made twice a year in the month of June and December. The CA Foundation fees structure for an year is ₹ 10,700/- which includes registration fees, journal membership fees, examination fees.

CA Foundation course fee 2024

Before moving ahead let us know in detail why do ICAI charges the following CA Foundation course fees 2024.

CA Foundation Registration Fees 2024:

The CA Foundation registration fees are charged from students to register for the course. Additionally, the student are benefited from a varied program sponsored by ICAI related to new updating and introduction of new techniques to meet current demands in skills. Moreover, the registration fees of CA foundation is ₹ 9000.

Must Read: CA Foundation Exam Registration For June 2024

CA Foundation Application Fees 2024 :

After registering for the course and taking mandatory study time of 4 months to prepare for CA Foundation, students need to pay the CA Foundation application fees to register themselves for the exams held in the month of June and December. Additionally the examination is held at various centers across India organized by ICAI.

CA Foundation application fees or examination fee or of ₹ 1500/- is paid by the student to get admit card and appear for exams.

Application fees for Foundation Course details:

(i) ₹ 1500/- (For opting a Centre in India)
(ii) ₹ 2200/- (For opting Kathmandu Centre)
(iii) US$ 325/- (For opting Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha or Muscat Centers)

Late Fees of ₹ 600/- for Centers in India and Kathmandu (US$ 10 for Overseas Centers) is applicable.

CA Foundation Fees Structure for Reappearing in the Exams:

The validity of the registration for CA foundation course is of 4 years. And re-validation is not allowed in CA Foundation level.

All those students who are not able to clear their Foundation exams need to pay only examination fees again and get a new admit card to appear in next exams.

Must Read: CA Foundation Study Material

CA Intermediate Course Fees 2024:

Students can register for the CA intermediate course under two different approaches. In Foundation Route students clear their Foundation exams and register for Intermediate level. Intermediate level registration is done twice a year in the month of August and February.

Direct entry scheme for graduates is for the student who wants to exempt Foundation level and reach directly to the Intermediate level. Furthermore, there are again two possibilities for this approach.

  • The student who are graduate or postgraduate
  • The student who is at the intermediate level of CS course or CFA course  and want to be CA
  • They can directly register for the Intermediate level.

CA Intermediate Total Fees 2024:

The journals are free of cost for a student at this level.

CA inter course fee 2024

CA Intermediate Fees for Student Overseas:

Fees Both Group Single Group
Registration Fees Us$ 1000 Us$ 600
Examination fees Us$ 500 Us$ 325

Late Fee of ₹ 600/- for Centers in India and Kathmandu (US$ 10 for Overseas Centers) is applicable.

CA Intermediate Registration Fees 2024:

The CA Intermediate registration fees is different for a single group and both groups. The student from the foundation route can register either for a single group or both group according to their preparation.

The registration fees of CA intermediate for single group is ₹ 11,000 and for both group is ₹ 18,000. Students from Direct Entry Route have to register for both groups. The registration fee for both groups is ₹ 18,000.

The CA inter registration fees 2024 for students from overseas for Intermediate level is US$ 600 for single group and US$ 1000 for both groups.

Examination Fee or Application Fees for CA Intermediate Course 2024:

The examination fee or application fees for Intermediate single group is ₹ 1500 and for both groups the Intermediate examination fee is ₹ 2700.

The student from the foundation route can enroll either for a single group or both group exams according to their preparation. Furthermore, the examination fee for the single group is ₹ 1500 and for both groups is ₹ 2700. On the other hand, students from the Direct Entry Route have to register for both groups, but they can’t appear for single group exams

The Intermediate examination fee for students from overseas is US$ 325 for a single group and US$ 500 for both groups.

Journal Fee for Intermediate Level 2024:

The journals are free of cost for students at this level. But for students registering under Direct entry route need to pay ₹ 200 for journal subscription.

Students Activity Fees for Inter Level 2024:

Student Activity Fees is paid to experience different workshops, seminars conferences held by ICAI during this level. All the students have to pay ₹ 2000.

ICITSS Fees for Intermediate level 2024:

ICITSS CA course fees ICAI has revised the old practical training program of the Information Technology and Orientation Program into a combo pack of the ICITSS. Additionally, It’s mandatory 4-week training for CA students. ICAI taking this session for a minimum of 6 hours for 15 days.

This training helps students to get acquainted with the software used for accounting purposes and interaction with the outer world. An ICITSS fee of ₹ 13,500/- is the cost of conducting these sessions. The fee is the same for all the students.

Registration validity of CA Intermediate is for 5 years. Registration can be validated again by paying ₹ 400. For the CA Intermediate Course, re-validation is  allowed only once.

CA Final Course Fees 2024:

CA final course is the last stage of the CA program. Furthermore, the registration can be done anytime after completing 2 years of practical training and clearing Intermediate level. The registration is valid for 10 years and can be validated again after 10 years with re-validation fee of ₹500. 

Registration Fees for CA Final 2024:

CA final registration fees are ₹ 22,000 for both groups. The Final registration fees for students from overseas is US$ 1100 for both groups.

Application/Exam Fee for CA Final 2024:

The examination fee or application fee of CA Final is ₹ 3300/-  for both groups and ₹ 1800/- is for a single group.

The Final examination fee for students from overseas is US$ 550 for both groups.

Articleship/Practical Training Fee for CA Final 2024:

Articleship fees of ₹ 2000 is paid during the time of registration, or on the commencement of Practical training.

The students also need to pay ₹ 500 to register for the assessment test of Practical training scheduled by ICAI to evaluate the student’s practical knowledge gained during Articleship.

AICITSS Training Fee for CA Final 2024:

AICITSS training is divided into two groups information technology and soft skills with the fee of ₹ 7000 and ₹ 7500 respectively.

Total Fees for CA Final 2024:

ca final course fee 2024

Late Fee of ₹ 600/- for Centers in India and Kathmandu (US$10 for Overseas Centers) is applicable

The well-reputed CA coaching institute charge approximately 2 lakh to 2.5 lakh for the total CA course. You can also take classes for particular levels or subjects according to your choice.

The reattempt to examination adds more cost to the fee structure. Hope this article helps you to understand the fees involved in pursuing the CA certificate.

Frequently Asked Question(FAQ):

Q1. What are the CA registration fees for direct entry route in intermediate?

You need to pay registration fees of ₹ 15000 of both groups along with ₹ 200 of registration form and student.

Q2. Do I need to pay journal subscription fees for every year?

No, subscription charges for the journal are optional. Additionally, ICAI provides journals to its member and student at nominal fees. If you are other than a student and member, you can ask for journals by paying ₹ 50 for it.

Q3. How much do I need to pay to recheck my answer sheet?

You need to pay ₹ 100 per answer sheet and a ₹ 500 for any changes in mark the sheet

Q4. How much do I need to pay to re-validate my final registration again?

You need to pay ₹ 500 for re-validation of CA Final registration. 

Q5. Is my registration fee refundable?

 No, examination fees and registration fees are not refundable. The provision to refund is only when there is a technical glitch.

Related Article: How to become a CA in India

ICAI CA Foundation New Syllabus 2024

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