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CA Intermediate Course – Eligibility, Registration & Syllabus

CA Intermediate Course May 2023: Registration, Eligibility, Syllabus

Are you looking for CA intermediate course details and its registration procedure, eligibility & syllabus for May 2024 exams? Then you are on the right page, here we will get the complete guide of course of CA Intermediate 2024.

Chartered Accountants are the professional bodies that deal with almost every topic of finance like Taxation, Auditing, and Business Economics. With the effect of GST, demonetization, and many other regulation acts applied to the common man, the role of a Chartered accountant job has become more intensive and complex in the current scenario.

While preparing for the CA course, ICAI  has made Intermediate the first step of getting detailed knowledge about various Financial and Accounting aspects.

In order to integrate the course with practical experience, ICAI has introduced 4 weeks integrated course of Information Technology and Soft Skills, where candidates learn how to use technology and develop communication skills, to support “Advice and Consultancy” services, given to people around.

Related Article: How to Become CA in India 2023

An Overview of CA Intermediate Course 2024

Name of the course CA Intermediate 
CA Intermediate course fees

Rs 14,500 for a single group (registration fees, examination fees, ICITSS, and others)

Rs 20,700  for both groups (registration fees, examination fees, ICITSS, and others)
Important dates to remember

Before 1st April 2023 (last registration date for November 2023 exams)

Before 1st November 2022 (last registration date for May 2023 exams)

Eligibility criteria  – Students who have cleared the CA Foundation exam

– Graduation or postgraduate students

Registration Validity Valid for 4 years
Exam Dates for May 2023  For Old Course:
1st week of May 2023 (Dates to be announced)

For New Course:
1st week of May 2023 (Dates to be announced)
CA Intermediate Subjects

Group I (Accounting, Corporate Law, and other laws, Cost and Management Accounting and  Taxation)

Group II (Advanced Accounting, Auditing, and Assurance, EIS AND SM, FM and Economics of Finance)
Result Declared within 2 months
Cut-off rates for Intermediate 40% marks in each subject or 50% marks in aggregate/of both group

CA Intermediate Course 2023 – Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility for CA Inter course 2023 –

  • Candidates who have  cleared the CA foundation level with 50% aggregate marks
  • Candidates who  have cleared Foundation exams with 50% aggregate marks
  • Candidates who have already applied for the Intermediate course and want to change their scheme
  • Candidates who have appeared for Intermediate exams, but could not clear the exam
  •  Graduate/Postgraduate scoring 55% in the case of commerce stream and 60% for another stream
  • Intermediate level examination cleared by students of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India or The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
  • Students who are appearing for the final year exams of graduation can apply under the provisional scheme.

Candidates must register for the CA Intermediate Course under both routes by filling out the Online CA Intermediate Registration Form 2023 available on the ICAI website (www.icai.org)

CA Intermediate Registration Online 2023

Know the CA Intermediate Registration online process. Follow the steps given below:

Document Required for CA Intermediate Registration 2023

  1. For Foundation route entry students they have to submit an attested copy of the mark sheet of Class 12th or its equivalent exams. Pass marks statement of examination recognized by Central Government and Computerized copy of CA Foundation main Exam
  2. CA Direct Entry Scheme students have to submit attested copies of Graduation/ Post Graduation mark statements.
  3. Mark Sheet of Intermediate level examination of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India or the Institute of Cost Accountants of India.
  4. One recent color photograph (affixed to the printout of the online successful CA inter-registration form)
  5. Attested copy of proof of Nationality, if the student is a foreigner.
  6. Attested copy of proof of special category certificate, i.e., SC/ST, OBC, disabled.

CA Intermediate Registration Procedure:

CA Intermediate Course 2023 Registration Online –

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Go to the ICAI website and from the “student tab” click on the course registration column
  • Select the Intermediate course registration form
  • Fill in your username and id
  • You will receive the OTP for verification of details
  • Once your basic details are verified, you are guided toward the next step
  • Once your  profile is created, you are asked to  fill in the pending details
  • After filling in details you are asked to make payment of Registration fees (₹11000 for one group or ₹15000 for both groups), and Articleship fees for 2000 along with student activity fees of 1000 (only if you register for both the group),
  •  In the case of the Direct Entry route, there is no option to select a group. You need to pay for both groups and 200 additional for a registration form. 
  •  If you are changing from the old scheme to the new scheme add ₹500 to the said fees as changing charges
  • Master/Visa/Maestro Credit/Debit/Rupay/Net Banking Details Card to be required to make an online payment
  • Once the payment is made you get a PDF. file mentioning your details and registration number
  • You need to take a printout of a PDF file and paste the passport-size photograph and sign it, only if it is not attached earlier online
  • Attach Documents along with the PDF file and send it to the regional office center within 7 days of registration then you will get a registration certificate within a month after completion of the procedure. In case you didn’t get notification of registration don’t panic.

By following these simple steps you can check your registration status –

  1. Go to the ICAI website (www.icai.org).
  2. Then in the upper right corner, you will find E-services. Click on the E-services, you will find “Reprint Letter”.
  3. Click on it and fill in your details. It will generate a letter showing your registration status.
    This process may take 30 – 40 days to get updated. So, you have to visit the site regularly.
    However, if it takes much more time than said time, then you need to contact the concerned person and get it resolved.

Phone Number: 18001211330
10 AM to 5:30 PM Monday to Friday
Phone Number:

CA Intermediate Registration Fees For 2023:

This is the table for total CA Intermediate Course fees.

Intermediate Course Both groups Single group
Registration Fees 15000 11000
Student activity fees 2000 2000
Registration for article assistant 1000
Examination fees 2700 1500

After registering yourself for the CA Intermediate course you should take a study period of 8 months and then appear for exams. Only after filling examination form and making payment of the examination fees, You get CA Intermediate admit card 2023 which needed to be printed out from the website and carry it to the examination center.

CA Intermediate Examination Registration:

To appear in CA Intermediate exams students must register themselves on the ICAI website. They provide their basic details along with the preferred location and the group they are ready to appear in exams.

Students of the Intermediate group can apply to appear in either group or individual group on the basis of their preparation. Intermediate exams are held twice a year in the month of June and November. This year registration is done in March for November exams. 

Students pay 1500 for a single group and 2700 for both groups as examination fees while filing the CA intermediate exam form.

To clear the CA Inter level students to need to clear both groups. They need to secure 40% marks in each subject or 50% aggregate in both groups or one group.

 Must Read: CA Intermediate study plan for November 2023 exams.  

CA Intermediate Syllabus and Subjects for May 2023 Exams:

Here are the CA intermediate syllabus and subjects for 2023.

CA Intermediate Subjects

For Group I:

Paper-1: Accounting (100 Marks)
Paper-2: Corporate Laws & Other Laws (100 Marks)

  • Part I: Company Law (60 Marks)
  • Part II: Other Laws (40 Marks)

Paper-3: Cost and Management Accounting (100 Marks)

Paper-4: Taxation (100 Marks)

  • Section A: Income-Tax Law (60 Marks)
  • Section B: Indirect Taxes (40 Marks)

For Group II:

Paper-5: Advanced Accounting (100 Marks)
Paper-6: Auditing and Assurance (100 Marks)

Paper-7: Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management (100 Marks)

  • Part I: Enterprise Information System (50 Marks)
  • Part II: Strategic Management (50 Marks)

Paper-8: Financial Management and Economics for Finance (100)

  • Part I: Financial Management (60 marks)
  • Part II: Economics of Finance (40 marks)

CA Intermediate Syllabus 2023:

Students can download the ICAI CA Intermediate syllabus from here. 


ICAI has been progressive in understanding the demand for practical and technical know-how of the course. Since June 2017, ICAI has introduced a new course that balanced both theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

Where they have introduced objective papers in the Foundation course. They have introduced ICITSS training at the Intermediate level. It is a combo pack of previous orientation courses (OC) and IIT courses.

It’s 4-weeks of training done in two sessions: 

1. First session

It involves learning important technical tools used by accounting professions in the finance industry. It is 6 hours session, daily for 15 days. It is required that you clear the module test and submit a project report during the course. 

2. Second session

This session involves grooming classes for students. The session emphasizes building your confidence and enhancing your communication skills required in the industry. It is a session of 6 hours for 15 days. 

Foundation Route entry students can either clear one group or both groups and start their ICITSS training.

Direct Entry Route students can start their 4-week ICITSS training soon after registration for the Intermediate course. They are not required to clear any group to start their practical training. They can undergo practical training for 9 months after ICITSS training and can appear directly for Intermediate exams.

Students who have applied under the provisional scheme can undergo ICITSS training during their provisional duration of 6 months.

Must Read Article: Download CA Intermediate Study Material 

CA Intermediate Registration Validity 2023:

Intermediate registration is valid for 4 years and can be revalidated for Rs 400 after its expiry.

CA Intermediate Result 2023:

The CA intermediate result 2022 is declared within 2 months of the examination. CA intermediate timetable for the exam is displayed on the ICAI website and has been intimated to students through different communication channels.

You can register to view your results through SMS or via email. The merit holder gets the merit certificate within a month of the declaration.

If a student scores more than 70% marks they are accolades as distinction holders in their statement of marks. Students pass this level if they secure 40% marks in each subject or 50% marks in aggregate in a single group or both groups.

If students want to get a certified answer sheet or recheck their answer sheet, ICAI has provided this facility with some nominal charges.

After clearing Intermediate level students need to undergo 3 years of Articleship to enhance practical knowledge. The intermediate course is the second-level exam which needs complete dedication and enthusiasm to understand the concept and its implications.

The IPCC course is an old syllabus course and will have its last attempt in November 2019. Students who are enrolled in the old course can switch to the new syllabus. Students need to be careful in selecting their courses while filling out the registration and application forms.

Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs):

Q1. Can I register for the CA Inter course for May and November exams of 2023?

Ans. Last date to register for May 2023 exams was 1st November 2022 and last date to register for November exams is April 2023. 

Q2. Is it compulsory to undergo ICITSS training?

Ans. To be eligible for 3 years of Articleship you must pass both levels of intermediate and undergo 4 months of ICITSS training.

Q3. Can I switch from the Intermediate scheme to the IPCC scheme?

Ans. No new registration can be done under the IPCC scheme.

Q4. Where I can get CA intermediate online classes?

Ans. Students can register for our CA intermediate online classes. Demo lectures are also available by which you can check the level MCC faculties teach. 

Now you know all the details about the CA Intermediate course 2023, registration fees, and CA intermediate subjects, you can easily register for CA Intermediate online.

Important Links: Download CA Intermediate Mock Test Papers

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